Photo: Anne Skidmore Photography

Chain of Ponds Community Forest

Chain of Ponds Community Forest


USVLT is partnering with The Conservation Fund to purchase Chain of Ponds Community Forest - 625 acres of forestland and inland waters in Madison, NH. This land contains headwaters of Pequawket Brook and Silver Lake’s North Inlet and we need your financial support to protect this special place. We have until November 2024 to raise the funds required to purchase and permanently conserve this vital landscape. A project 20+ years in the making, we are actively working to raise $1.7 million from state grant makers, local foundations, and individual contributions.

Download this one page document about Chain of Ponds fundraising goals and progress here


USVLT_Madison_Ponds_070 (2)

Chain of Ponds Community Forest contains an ecologically important glacial-trough-valley featuring approximately 110 acres of wetlands and surface waters, over 300 acres of mapped aquifer, 4 miles of surface water frontage along several ponds and streams, glacial eskers, as well as cliff and talus slopes. 

Due to the significant gravel deposits found within the esker complex on the property there is a substantial threat of the lands being acquired for extractive gravel mining which would pose a dire threat to the quality of groundwater resources, and be detrimental to the overall health and integrity of important natural communities found on the land.

Benefits provided to the residents and visitors of the Mountain Washington Valley will include:



Thank you to Joe Klementovich for making this incredible video


Chain of Ponds Community Forest in the News

December 15, 2023  

March 15, 2024

July 16, 2024



This project will require support from government grants, private foundations, and individual gifts.

Public Support

You can help protect and care for Chain of Ponds Community Forest by making a restricted gift. Your contribution will be used exclusively for the protection and care of Madison's Chain of Ponds Community Forest. You can make a restricted donation online. Or you can send a check, payable to "Upper Saco Valley Land Trust," to P.O. Box 111, Conway, NH 03818. Please put "Chain of Ponds Community Forest" in the memo line if you wish for your gift to be used only for Chain of Ponds Community Forest. Learn more about donating to USVLT.

Grant Support

To date, the following funders have joined with us to support Chain of Ponds Community Forest:


Chain of Ponds Community Forest Map

Chain of Ponds Map