2018 CSA Directory
Local non-profit, Mount Washington Eaters and Growers (MWVEG) has published a CSA Directory to help MWV residents better understand their local CSA options.
In late 2015, a group of farmers began exploring the idea of working together to promote local agriculture in the Mount Washington Valley and surrounding area. They saw the benefits of many small farms having one unified voice on many issues and working together to communicate with the greater MWV community. In response, they’ve formed MWVEG, an organization of farmers and food advocates who are working together on local food issues. Founding members include USVLT staffer Jesse Wright! Together, they aim to provide a voice for farmers on farm-related topics through the Mount Washington Valley and the surrounding communities. Their mission is to strengthen the regional food system through communication, collaboration, and cooperation among our farms and our community members.
To advance their mission, they have produced a “CSA Directory” which lists many of the farms in the Mount Washington Valley and western Maine that offer Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs. Each farm has their own take on what their CSA looks like but the basic principles remain the same: it’s a partnership with the farm to receive seasonal produce/products throughout the growing seasons.
Geof and Gina Hancock of Hancock Family Farm explain: “A CSA membership program is a partnership between the farmers and the community. Members invest in a season’s worth of vegetables, and then every week they come to the farm, or to a drop-off site, to receive their share of the weekly harvest. CSA members get the farm going in the early spring and help keep our spirits up through the season…they are the heart of our farm.” The farmer receives cash up front to invest during planting season—when they need it most—and the CSA member receives guaranteed fresh, locally grown products until the end of harvest season.
Click here to access the CSA directory. It's also available at many locations throughout our community including: the USVLT office in downtown North Conway, the Local Grocer, the North Conway and Conway Public Libraries, and the Spice & Grain in Fryeburg, ME. To get yours, or for more info contact Jesse here or call 603-356-9683.