Dundee Community Forest Update
What's going on at Dundee Community Forest?
August 10, 2023 - In the coming weeks and months, much of the work that USVLT will be undertaking, related to the Dundee Community Forest, isn’t likely to make much of an impression if you find yourself out for a drive along Dundee Road.
Ham House
You may notice volunteers, fresh building materials, and signage at the historic Ham House, as skilled volunteers work to address identified stabilization needs, but the old adage of measure twice and cut once, will be deployed across the collective efforts of everyone involved in the next phase of the unique opportunity now before us, not just the generous folks working on the Ham House.
It is with this ethos in mind that real work begins, as USVLT staff and volunteers work to engage with local community organizations, residents of neighborhoods near Dundee Community Forest, and other key stakeholders, to begin a management planning process for this unique and varied property.
Advisory Committee
A key piece of the management planning puzzle will be standing up a Dundee Community Forest Advisory Committee, modeled after the committee established for Pine Hill Community Forest. Through this, and other intentional outreach and engagement efforts, USVLT is aiming to craft a management plan that takes into account feedback from as many community voices as possible. We know based upon feedback received from a listening session hosted in 2021, that people are excited about these newly conserved parcels, but we also heard loud and clear that well thought out planning, and proactive communication are going to be paramount to the success of this exciting new community opportunity.
Celebration Taking Shape
Save the date for a Dundee Community Forest Celebration on Friday, October 13, 2023 at Ledge Brewing!
We can be reached at 603-662-0008.
Ongoing appreciation to Trust for Public Land and our funders, including the United States Forest Service Forest Legacy Program, NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program, NH Department of Environmental Services Aquatic Resource Mitigation Program, and NH Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund. Photo credit: Jerry Monkman/EcoPhotography, courtesy of Trust for Public land.