Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 4:30PM

Jockey Cap - Public Hearing & Site Visit

Join USVLT and the Town of Fryeburg for a


Thursday, May 12th - 4:30PM & 6PM

Jockey Cap_public hearing & site visit


4:30PM: Site visit to Jockey Cap Property

Meet at the trailhead next to Quinn's Jockey Cap Store

6PM: Public Hearing regarding Warrant Article 47

Meet at the Hastings Community Center, 59 Recreation Drive, Fryeburg

(Article 47: To see if the Town will authorize the Select Board to grant a conservation easement to the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust on the parcel of land known as Jockey Cap, upon such terms as the Select Board shall deem appropriate. Click here to view the public hearing notice.)



Annual Meeting_Jockey Cap view.jpg