Announcing a 1 to 1 match opportunity for our 20 Years & Onward campaign
Conway, NH – The Upper Saco Valley Land Trust is in the final days of its 20 Years & Onward campaign! We are delighted to announce that we now have a significant matching grant lined up, meaning that ALL remaining campaign donations will be matched 1 to 1 (up to a total of $150,000).
Since 2000, the land trust has conserved over 12,000 acres of habitat, working forest and prime farmland. More than 75 projects have been completed, preserving 16 miles of frontage along the Saco River and its tributaries. The process has engaged hundreds of landowners and supporters, coalescing around a bold, optimistic vision of the future.
Now, you can help us chart our next 20 years of community-based conservation. USVLT is currently raising funds to purchase the Dundee Community Forest in Jackson and Bartlett and expand the Pine Hill Community Forest in Conway through its capital campaign. The campaign will also create a fund for the conservation of our area’s farmlands, as well as seed a capital reserve fund for future stewardship work on all of USVLT’s preserves and easement properties.
As of September 22nd, more than 95% of our $5.97M campaign goal has been raised. The total campaign goal includes $3.07M in government grants for the Dundee Community Forest and Pine Hill Expansion projects, PLUS $2.9M in private philanthropy. We’re almost there, with only $300,000 left to raise! From now through the month of October, all donations will be matched 1:1 up to $150,000. Once we achieve our match, we will have reached our overall goal for the campaign.
This is spectacular news! If you haven't yet contributed, now is your chance. We are profoundly grateful for the anonymous families and foundations who made this matching grant possible. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Please donate today! To learn more about the campaign and to donate, go to
Photo: Joe Klementovich