Eric White was long-serving Education Director at Old Sturbridge Village before moving to the Boston Society for Architecture, where he became Executive Director in 2013. White is a history graduate of Denison University. Eric is excited to be joining USVLT and the deeply committed board, staff, members, and volunteers dedicated to conserving the forests, farmlands, and natural beauty of New Hampshire and Maine that help make this a great place to live, work, and play. He and his wife, Melissa, live in Wolfeboro, and he has 3 adult stepchildren and 5 grandchildren. Eric loves kayaking and other outdoor activities and is a fine arts wood crafter.
Linda is a founding member of Upper Saco Valley Trust. While completing her master’s degree at Antioch University New England, her thesis project, "How to Start a Land Trust,” became the groundwork that eventually grew into what USVLT is today. As the former Land Protection Specialist for USVLT for many years, her work has allowed her to do what she loves: work with landowners to permanently protect their land & to have a lasting impact on this landscape that she treasures. Her love of the outdoors began as a child wandering the woods, rocky shores & beaches in her hometown of Gloucester, MA and has continued on throughout her life. Linda has lived in New Hampshire for 30+ years & enjoys hiking, biking, xc skiing & traveling the world with her partner, Al Aldrich.
Cindy joins the USVLT with a diverse background in surveying and geographic science. At Clark University, she earned a B. S. in Environmental Science and unique fellowship studying urban forestry with the HERO program. Cindy's dedication to conservation and sustainability has blossomed into a lifelong mission to understand the ecology of our natural and built environment. She now lives in Tamworth with her family where she enjoys gardening, painting, keeping backyard chickens, and venturing in the woods. She's devoted to working with the team to preserve and steward the beautiful landscapes of New Hampshire.
Vicki grew up in Houston, Texas and moved to New Hampshire 25 years ago. She has always gravitated towards nature and wildlife and has fallen in love with New Hampshire and all it offers. She has a B.S. in Psychology and subsequently earned an A.S. in Veterinary Technology. Vicki has a diverse background and finds that she always excels in attention to detail and organization in any job. Looking to move away from veterinary medicine, she decided to pursue an administrative position where she could let her talents shine. Vicki is thrilled to bring her organizational skills to the role of office manager and hopes to enhance the mission of USVLT with her passion for protecting natural lands and wildlife. You'll find Vicki hiking, kayaking, volunteering, skiing, snowshoeing or studying the Finnish language when she's not at work. Vicki is married, has two beautiful dogs and lives in Tuftonboro on the shore of the beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee.
Kate Shambaugh grew up on the coast of Maine and enjoys spending her time in the woods and on the water. She completed her B.A. at Smith College specializing in behavioral neuroscience and psychology. After some time working in Maine in outdoor educational programs and as the Community Engagement Manager at the Portland Parks Conservancy, she returned to school to recieve her M.S. at University of Michigan at the School for Environment and Sustainability with a focus on human behavior, education and communication. Now back in New England, she spends much of her free time sailing, rock climbing, skiing and hiking with her pup Zion.
While being raised in the Mount Washington Valley, Sam developed a deep appreciation for the land and its inhabitants. Almost every weekend, his dad and him would search out new hikes, where he’d always be on the lookout for wildlife. When going to John Fuller Elementary School, he would walk, bike, and in the wintertime ski there through Whitaker Woods. Since he was ten years old and until he left for college, he volunteered much of his time with the Conway Area Humane Society. He graduated from Kennett High School and went to Southern New Hampshire University, where he got his B.S. in Computer Science. He enjoys hiking, skate-skiing, volleyball, and he tolerates running.