Thaddeus Thorne Family Easement
Conservation Easement
October 12, 2007The Thaddeus and Virginia Thorne conservation easement permanently protects 786.9 acres of fields and forest from development. Additionally, the easement protects nearly two miles of natural, undeveloped road frontage on Gulf Road and Baird Hill Road in South Conway, which are designated by the Town of Conway as Scenic Roads under the provisions of NH RSA 231:157.
The Thorne conservation easement abuts the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust’s 128 acre Earle Family Farm easement. Together, the Earle and Thorne families have contributed to ensuring that this scenic area in South Conway remains much as it is now for future generations to enjoy.
State(s): NH
Town(s): conway
Acres: 786
Town Tax Map: 286293294, Lot: 1,2,3,5*
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