Mountainside Farm Easement
Conservation Easement
July 18, 2022The Mountainside Farm Conservation Easement protects 128 acres of private forestland along Dundee Road in Bartlett. The easement was generously donated to USVLT in July 2022 by the Lloyd Family – Nicholas Lloyd, Julia Johannsen, Amelia Lloyd McCarthy and Benjamin Lloyd in honor of their father, Lewis Lloyd. With the decision to put their land in a conservation easement, the Lloyd family demonstrated their commitment to future generations as well as the rural character of Dundee Road. USVLT is deeply grateful for their foresight and generosity. Of donating the easement to USVLT, Amelia Lloyd McCarthy said on behalf of the family, “For our entire family this project has deep meaning and resonance. We are thrilled to have preserved the essence and magic of a place that we each call ‘home.”
The Mountainside Farm conservation easement protects:
- Over 2,500 feet of scenic, undeveloped road frontage on both sides of Dundee Road
- Nearly 2,000 feet of perennial cold-water streams that drain into the East Branch of the Saco River
- 62 acres of Farmland soils of local importance
- 60 acres of Hemlock-Hardwood Pine habitat
- 68 acres of Northern Hardwood-Pine habitat
- 126.2 acres of high productivity soils for forestry
- An additional 128 acres into a conservation block, contributing to a 941-acre unfragmented wildlife corridor
Mountainside Farm has a rich history. Prior to the arrival of Europeans, all lands in the White Mountains were the ancestral homelands of the Abenaki People. Once colonists arrived, the Mountainside Farm became part of a 3,000-acre land grant to William Stark, ironically for his service in the French & Indian wars. Pioneer settlement began in the late 1770’s when the land was confiscated and sold at auction due to Stark’s continued loyalty to the British crown. Mountainside Farm became the home of Joseph Pitman and family, who were among Bartlett’s earliest settlers.
In 1920, Mountainside Farm was acquired by George Melanson of Massachusetts, who enlarged and modernized the original farmhouse and barn, purchased a herd of cows and a bull, and brought electricity to Dundee Road by way of a Delco generator. Like many before him, George found farming in the East Branch Valley difficult, and he sold the Mountainside Farm property to John and Lillian Lloyd of New Jersey in 1940. The Lloyds summered at Mountainside Farm and in time, three of their grandchildren, Amelia, Nicholas and Julia, became the owners.
Press Announcement: August 4, 2022
Please note that the purpose of this conservation easement, like many held by USVLT, is to preserve wildlife habitat and natural, scenic undeveloped lands in the Mount Washington Valley region. This easement does not require that the private landowners allow access to their property by the general public. While the landowners have not posted their property against access, they ask that you respect their privacy; access is by permission only.
State(s): NH
Town(s): bartlett
Acres: 128
Town Tax Map: DNDRD 173, DNDRD 160, DNDRD 161, DNDRD 131, Lot: R00, R00, R01, L00, L00
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