Menotomy Field Easement
Conservation Easement
July 5, 2022The Menotomy Field Conservation Easement protects 5 acres of a 10-acre private property near the end of Menotomy Road in Fryeburg. The easement was generously donated to USVLT by Laura Burt and Stephen Burt of San Antonio Texas, on behalf of their late father Howard Burt and his widow Penny Burt, on July 5th, 2022.
This easement is located in Maine’s Upper Saco River Focus Area, an area of statewide ecological significance as designated by the State of Maine’s ‘Beginning with Habitat’ program, as well as within the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust’s ‘Kezar Pond/Mt Tom’ Focus area, per our 2011 Strategic Conservation Plan.
This conservation easement protects:
- Approximately 3.6 acres of forestland and 1.4 acres of open field
- Scenic views of the White Mountains from Menotomy Road
- Important wildlife habitat for inland wading birds and waterfowl, according to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s ‘Beginning With Habitat’ program
- An additional 5 acres that abuts other conservation land, now managed by USVLT as The Menotomy Preserve, creating a 95-acre contiguous habitat block
- Water quality of the nearby Saco River by filtering surface water and limiting erosion, siltation, and nutrient loading.
- A perennial stream and one seep/forested wetland
- Approximately 3.3 acres of farmland soils of statewide importance and 3.3 acres of soils in highly productivity categories (Group 1) for forest products, as determined by the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service)
State(s): ME
Town(s): fryeburg
Acres: 5
Town Tax Map: 15, Lot: 10
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