Uplands Apple Farm Easement
Conservation Easement
December 28, 2007The 123-acre Uplands Apple Farm owned and operated by Eleanor Jenkins is protected by a conservation easement that was completed in 2007 and is held by USVLT. The easement protects the property’s forest and agricultural resources and allows the property to be used for agriculture, forestry, education and scientific research.
Conservation Values
- The natural scenery along over 3,000 feet of undeveloped road frontage on Towle Hill Road in Eaton
- Approximately 110 acres of a healthy, second growth semi-mature mixed coniferous and northern hardwood forest
- Approximately 11 acres of fields
- Approximately 1 acre of wetlands, including a vernal pool known as the “frog pond”
- Over 97 acres of farmland soils of local importance
- Over 91 acres of soils in the highest suitability category (Group 1) for forest products
State(s): NH
Town(s): eaton, freedom
Acres: 122
Town Tax Map: R-7, Lot: 8, 9A, 9B
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