Dannies Conservation Easement

Conservation Easement

December 21, 2006

This 106-acre working forest conservation easement ensures the use of “best management practices”, which promote sustainable forestry, wildlife habitat improvement and protection of surface and groundwater quality. The easement also protects the natural, undeveloped scenery along Glines Hill Road in Madison and Eaton.

The Dannies Family donated the original easement on 94 acres in 2006; then, in 2015, they worked with USVLT to amend the original easement to add 12 acres of land.  As conservation easements protect land “in perpetuity,” amending them can be a complicated process that involves the approval of the Attorney General’s Charitable Trust Unit Office.  USVLT’s Board is profoundly thankful to the Dannies Family for their generosity, as well as their patience during the easement amendment process.

The Dannies easement is consistent with the Town of Eaton’s Comprehensive Master Plan, including:

  • “Goal A: Maintain rural character and natural quality of Eaton through conservation and preservation” and
  • “Policy A6: Protect water quality and quantity above and below the ground” and
  • “Policy A9: Protect scenic resources in Eaton for the enjoyment of everyone”

The easement is also consistent with the Town of Madison’s Master Plan which states: “Maintaining the rural character of Madison requires conservation of open space of various kinds now so that future generations living here will be able to enjoy the outdoor activities we take for granted.”

State(s): NH
Town(s): eaton, madison
Acres: 106
Town Tax Map: 226, 225, Lot: 9, 1
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